We partner with other websites to build the InstaViral ecosystem. There are niche blogs, social forums, Q&A and affiliate websites in our partner base.
We invite site visitors to earn points for being active Instagram users while viewing, commenting, liking and following certain profiles and their content.
Each user who signs up has a profile where the points will accrue. A certain number of points can be cashed out on PayPal or exchanged for gift cards or our services.
You place an order for Instagram followers, Reels likes, Story views, random comments, etc. and the system checks up on signed users in the user base who are online.
Once processed, your username and/or post(s) URL along with the required number of likes, views, comments, or followers appear on user dashboards. Depending on their interests and the number of points offered, a user can complete a task or skip to another one.
Because order processing and delivery is automated, InstaVirals work at maximum speed completing multiple orders at the same time.
We check back on your order to make sure it is fulfilled.